On Tuesday, March 28 from 9:30 – 12:30 p.m. we will have a special program on Thai cuisine. The business meeting will start at 9:30 a.m and the special program will immediately follow the adjournment of the business meeting. This program will be held at the party room at 7500 York Ave., Edina. Joe Hatch-Surisook, owner and chef of Sen Yai Sen Lek, a Thai restaurant located in Minneapolis, will teach a variety of Thai dishes that you, too, can make at home. http://www.senyai-senlek.com/ Joe will do a demonstration with food samplings, with special focus on Cilantro, the International Herb Society 2017 Herb of the Year.
Traditionally this is a potluck meeting. Please bring appetizers or desserts only to supplement the Thai food samplings. In order for Joe to have enough food for everyone to sample, we will need a head count of who’s coming to the program. Please RSVP by Friday, March 24 to Shirley Mah Kooyman via phone or email. Find Shirley’s info in the Membership Directory or if need be, rsvp to this email.